Lesson 1


Introduction video. Health definition and how to balance your energies.
Aiming for Perfect Health leads to Slowing Down Aging and Perfect Skin
Best Practices.
Sauna – Skin Detox
Sauna treatment for acne or rashes
No Sauna? No Problem! Dress up and go for a sweaty walk!


Warm Up Routine

Every day we will add one more video to practice, until the full routine is learned, to be practiced daily.


  1. Sauna / Sweating- 15 to 30 minutes daily for 21 days

Use a Sauna for 10 minutes followed by hot and cold shower another 10 minutes. In case you don’t have access to a sauna, dress up with at least 3 layers (first one should be 100% cotton), and walk for 30 minutes or exercise enough to sweat for 15 to 30 minutes, followed by hot and cold shower.

2. Letter of Commitment

Write a letter (Use your non-dominant hand) addressed to yourself.

Dear (your first name),

I am happy to commit to this 21 days program. I will do my best to exercise every day, do my daily assignments and as a result improve my general health. My body condition will improve by detoxing. I will practice mind relaxation. My skin condition will improve significantly by the last day of the program.

With Love always,

Your Name



Non-dominant hand is connected to the emotional side of the brain

3. Selfie NOW and AFTER

Take a selfie in the first day of the program, so you may compare it to the selfie you will take on the last day.