A Lung Workout
The lungs are the house of wisdom, ruled by the metal element. One of the main lessons in life is to learn how to react to different emotions. Notice that I don’t say ‘control’ your emotions, only ‘react to’. Controlling emotions is not the purpose here; that is considered a stagnation habit i.e., keeping the emotion stuck in your body. Every emotion is associated with a certain breathing pattern. Therefore, emotions may be influenced by changing your breathing pattern.
The power of your lungs will affect your breathing. The more control we have over our breathing, the easier it is to flow our emotions anytime at will.
Balancing Lung Energy – ‘Lion Holding Ball Palm’
This palm builds the strength of the lung system. The palms form a ‘chi ball’ of energy in front of your body. Both palms are relaxed, with the fingers slightly curved just as if holding a physical ball. The arm facing the circle is down and the other one is up. This reverses when you change the direction.
It is specially used to regulate the energy in the lung meridian. The Yin and Yang imbalance of the lung meridian manifests as chest tightness, coughing, shortness of breath, upset feelings and restlessness. Lung imbalance also makes it easy to catch colds, with symptoms including nasal congestion and a runny nose. The body is cold and hot; sometimes afraid of the cold, sometimes afraid of heat.
Direction: An equal number of steps in each direction (clockwise and anti-clockwise).
Breathing: Inhale when moving anti-clockwise. Exhale when moving clockwise.
Recommended Number of Steps: A minimum of 100 in each direction (with a total of 200 steps).
Excessive Lung Energy – ‘Lion Throws the Ball’
Symptoms: sweating, lungs filled with mucus, wet cough and shallow breathing, cold damp obstructing the lungs. It is specially used to relieve lung heat: coughing and getting angry, sore throat, dry mouth and nose, shortness of breath, chest tightness and chest pain.
Both palms are held facing down, next to the lower abdomen. The fingers of both palms are pointing towards each other.
Direction: Clockwise.
Breathing: Exhale with every step.
Recommended Number of Steps: A minimum of 100.
Deficient Lung Energy – ‘Lion Rolling Ball’
Symptoms: shortness of breath, depression, sadness, grief, dry skin, excessive crying, frequent cold and flu, fatigue, dry cough, weakness, pale complexion, fear of cold, fear of wind, sweating, pale tongue and weak pulse.
This palm is to be practiced for energizing the lungs and increasing the flow of energy by inhaling fresh air. Both palms are held in front of your chest, facing outwards, just as if pushing against a wall.
Direction: Anti-Clockwise.
Breathing: Inhale with every step.
Recommended Number of Steps: A Minimum of 100.