A Heart Workout

The heart is where the spirit is housed. It is the master of all other organs.
Cardiovascular diseases are the ‘number one’ cause of death worldwide. The heart is a muscle we don’t exercise consciously but one which we use every second of our life. The thymus is the gland which controls all activities of the heart. Ba Gua Qi Gong stimulates the thymus through the heart meridian.

Balancing Heart Energy – ‘Chicken Palm’

This palm works on the heart and pericardium meridians. High blood pressure, coronary heart disease, blood disease, vascular disease, etc., can be mitigated by practicing this palm. Combined with the dragon palm (for
the liver meridian), this palm is very effective in lowering blood pressure
Practicing this palm will build the strength of the heart system. One palm
is held up vertically, facing out towards the center of the circle. The other one faces down, in front of your lower abdomen.
Direction: An equal number of steps in each direction (clockwise and
Breathing: Inhale when moving anti-clockwise. Exhale when moving
Recommended Number of Steps: A minimum of 100 in each direction
(with a total of 200 steps)

Excessive Heart Energy – ‘Chicken Palm’

Symptoms: shortness of breath, chest pain or pressure, coldness in your limbs, high blood pressure, sticky blood, cardiovascular obstruction, varicose veins, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia. This palm is a method to vent excessive fire from the body.
This palm is to be practiced when the heart system is either energetically
overcharged or stagnating. The right palm is held up facing the center of the circle. The left palm is held next to the hip, facing backwards with the fingers pointing down.
Direction: Clockwise.
Breathing: Exhale with every step.
Recommended Number of Steps: A minimum of 100.

Deficient Heart Energy – ‘Chicken Palm’

This palm is practiced to nourish the heart and blood. Blood deficiency, palpitations, heart failure, hypoglycemia and other symptoms can be improved by practicing this palm.
The palms form a hook by joining the tips of all the fingers. Both palms
are directed upwards, to capture the fl owing energy from the universe. The right arm extends towards the center of the circle, and the left arm extends behind you.
Direction: Anti-Clockwise.
Breathing: Inhale with every step.
Recommended Number of Steps: A minimum of 100.