Teodor Ardeleanu
Teodor firmly believes in the power of
A seeker of life force mastery, Teodor continuously thrives on the path of self-improvement. He aims to inspire others to have more vital energy through his vast knowledge, experiences and practices.
My Work Story
My first work experience was working as an Information Technology (IT) teacher in a primary school in 1998. Simultaneously, I was a student of the Academy of Economics Studies in Bucharest, which I graduated in 2000.
As soon as I graduated (within less than a month), I was lucky to get into the Rat Race, getting a job with Marriott. Marriott is a school of hotels, hospitality and a school of life. Faster than I expected, I worked hard to get into a higher position, until I reached the top.
Looking back at my working days as an employee, I am proud to remember that I have recruited, trained and inspired over few hundred individuals from all over the world. In fact, that is my best achievement in the corporate world: I witnessed the transforming power of effective training and coaching programs, when delivered from heart and with no judgement.
In 2016, I made the step of opening my own company. I created Ki Train – a concept that provides unique tools for growth and success for individuals. I wanted to use all my knowledge: the leadership and training skills gained from working in the Corporate World, the martial arts wisdom and my own life experience – all for a single purpose: the Ki Train Method. In 2016, I decided to dedicate the rest of my life to live healthy, full of energy to and inspire as many people as possible to choose:
Health, Wealth, Success and Freedom.
I transformed from the photo on the left to the one on the right:

Awards and Recognition
- Bachelor Degree in Economics – Academy of Economics Studies Bucharest Romania – graduated in 2000
- Employee of the Year for JW Marriott Bucharest Romania – 2003
- Manager of the Quarter – 2004 Romania, 2008 Kuwait
- Soft Skills & Leadership Certified Trainer 2005 – Dubai
- International Trainer of Marriott Network – 2008
- Reflexology Practitioner – Since 2010
- Palmistry Practitioner – Since 2015
- Reiki Master – since 2010
- Hypnotherapist – since 2016
- World Women Wellbeing Conference Bahrain -Speaker – 2018
- Wellbeing Specialist and Ambassador – BAPCO 2017-2019
Collaboration with Publications
Martial Arts Life
I was born in a time and place where martial arts were forbidden by the communist regime at the time. (Bucharest, Romania, 1978) By the time I was 9 years old, I have watched the first Jackie Chan Kung Fu movie – “The Armor of Gods”. After few more with Bruce Lee and Jet Lee I became totally in love with martial arts, hoping that one day I will reach the land of Kung Fu – China.
Only in 1990, I was able to start practicing in a dojo, Karate Shotokan with an amazing teacher – Sensei Gabriel Andronache. I practiced for 2 years after which I had to stop, because my parents could no longer pay the subscription. I was upset, but this did not stop me from finding other ways to continue. I found a kick boxing dojo close by my home. I would go watch the training, and than practice on my own.
Later on, I tried Karate Kiokushin for almost a year and stopped again as I took my first full time job, in 2000. I took a break till 2003 when I started to practice Aikido with Sensei Silviu Vieru and Sensei Mihai Vladu, both amazing aikidoka with different other backgrounds in martial arts. Sensei Vieru was also a Karate practitioner as well as an ex professional boxer.
When I reached Bahrain, I had the pleasure to practice and learn again Aikido with Sensei Soufian Nibdelaid as well with Sensei George.
In 2008 I experienced my first Tai Chi and Ba Gua training with Shaonian Bates Lao Shi, who later in 2013 introduced me to Grand Master Huang Shi Fu. In 2019, Huang Shi Fu formally accepted me as his disciple and a teacher to represent his lineage.

In 2016 I decided to leave my corporate job and created Ki Train Wellbeing Center, dedicated my whole time researching about self-healing and teaching/studying martial arts.
I truly believe that Teaching is the Highest Form of Learning.
- Aikido Instructor since 2010
- Tai Chi, Ba Gua, Qi Gong Instructor since 2015

Huang Xin Shifu
My Personal Story
During my twenties, both my parents fell deeply ill and died shortly thereafter. The fast pace of these events ending with the loss of my parents was devastating for me. Shock was followed by grief and then confusion which led me to seek deeper levels of understanding of life and death and all that comes in between.
This puzzle directed me on a new path, a secret quest of cracking the equation of wellbeing and longevity. Self-healing became a priority as without a sound body and mind we cannot truly experience life on Earth optimally. Some people are content to continue their lives with restrictions, but it is my philosophy to always strive for experiencing life to its fullest potential.
On my initial journey to mastering perfect health, I was studying and practicing different methodologies of body healing. However, this was in aside with my demanding career at the time and left me with little time to truly develop the practical results that I was aiming for.
Holding a corporate executive role for several years, the pressure was high and I was forced into long working hours, stressful decision making and dealing with overwhelmed people on a daily basis. This high stress environment ultimately landed me in a surgery room with a common yet serious ailment.
The recovery process had me stuck in bed for a few weeks. After days and nights of introspection (while in severe pain!), I realized that this was not the life I wanted to live anymore. The career achievements, social status and financial security were not worth the sacrifice to my personal health and wellbeing. My painful “vacation” made me finally understand what I had repeatedly read in several books: we are made of energy, and the easy flow of abundant energy keeps us truly alive, healthy and happy.
My journey of self-development intensified as I dove into deeper and more diverse theories. I studied everything I thought could influence our energy levels: the science of sleep, Reiki (Japanese method of energy healing), Hypnotherapy (reprogramming the subconscious mind), Palmistry, Reflexology and other non-conventional healing modalities.
I thoroughly researched different ancient practices, including those in mainstream religions, with the sole purpose of finding practical methods that can help increase one’s energy levels.
Adopting my father’s scientific approach of empirical evidence, I experimented on myself, wanting to see the actual physical, energetical or mental results of what I was researching. One significant example is the effect of water fasting on a daily basis or for longer periods.
All my experiments and experiences led me to a unique way of life, which benefitted me increasingly on all levels: mental, emotional and physical. I was feeling better and happier every day. I managed to access higher and higher levels of energy with time of continual practice. Seeing these benefits, I chose to share this methodology with the world, as I believe many would benefit too. I call it the Ki Train Method.
“Everything You Can Imagine Is Real”

- Live on a tropical island
- Climb the Mont Blanc
- Become a Martial Arts Grand Master
- Master Inner Peace
- Own a Sailing boat
- Drive a BMW
- Learn and practice Kite surfing
- Learn and practice Wind Surfing
- Own a Jet Ski
- Live on a farm with a lot of animals
- Run a marathon
- Complete an Ironman
- Learn how to master websites
- Write a book about parenting
- Write a book about leadership
- Live in a Buddhist monastery for a month
- Visit Athos Mountain
- Train in Kunming with Huang Shifu 2 times a year.
- Learn how to swim professional
- Learn how to dive
- Live in New Zealand for 6 months
- Becoming a Bee keeper
- Watch a live concert of Katie Melua
- Become a Millionaire
- Visit the Alps
- Bike ride from Sweden to Greece
- Sail the Greek Islands
- Live in the Caribbean for one year
- Live in Bali for 6 months
- Be fluent in Chinese language
- Be fluent in Greek language
- Be the author of a best selling book
- Watch the Northern Lights
- Visit US by campervan
- Visit Europe by campervan
- Cross the Atlantic in a sailboat
- Spread Ki Train method worldwide
- Learn advanced mathematics
- Get in touch with an alien
- Do 100 correct push ups in a row
- Live in Japan for a month and train Aikido at Hombu Dojo
- Win a Tai Chi competition
- Win a Ba Gua competition
- Fly a paramotor
- Visit Fiji
- Become Immortal