Energy Martial Arts

The Stories of Yin & Yang

Life Experiences: The Unfolding of Yin and Yang Tai Chi manifests in our world of duality as a multitude of different Yin and Yang combinations. At the human level, these are displayed as life stories. Human beings are born storytellers. Their life unfolds through stories. Everything in life is based on a story, subjectively referred […]

Energy Martial Arts

Combat Depression with Internal Martial Arts

Depression is the persistent habit of being sad, characterized by heavy blockages in desires. When there is no desire, there is an absence of creative energy which results in a lack of joy, and a state of stagnation takes over the life energy of the individual. Just as with any other habit, depression cannot simply […]

Energy Martial Arts

Tai Chi, Placebo and the Magic of Water

Ever wondered how homeopathy works? Studying the molecular structure of water may provide answers. The molecular structure of water changes according to the environment. By all means, water is alive! The human body is built on water. We need to allow it to be in its purest natural state. The powerful practice of Tai Chi […]

Energy Martial Arts

Tai Chi and Yoga

I have been asked many times to explain the difference between Tai Chi and Yoga, especially by those who have not been directly exposed to Eastern culture, energy or spiritual arts. I have only practiced martial arts, so it would be unfair to express my personal opinion, which might possibly be biased. As a result, […]

Energy Martial Arts

Stories, Hormones and Tai Chi

From Tai Chi to Duality According to Chinese cosmology, in the beginning there was a big void, called the Wu Ji. The void held within itself all possibilities, but was beyond needing to take any form. However, in order for creation to come into existence, there needed to be a creative force. This force was […]

Energy Martial Arts

Ba Gua – A Lost and Found Gem of Self-healing

What is Ba Gua Of all Internal Martial Arts (Tai Chi, Aikido, Hsing I and Ba Gua), Ba Gua is by far the least known worldwide. Ba Gua Zhang, often shortened as Ba Gua, is a unique Taoist martial art based on the ancient Chinese text I Ching. The circular fluid art of Ba Gua […]

Energy Martial Arts

Perfect Skin, Slow aging with Qi Gong

Defining the Skin Skin covers the entire body. It represents the final frontier, the border between the physical body and the environment. It is what defines the inside and outside of the body. A protective layer defining the vital space and in the same time a link between the inner being and the rest of […]

Energy Martial Arts

Tai Chi Benefits. Myth or Reality?!

“Softness overcomes Hardness” If you want to understand and experience the concept “Softness overcomes Hardness”, Tai Chi is definitely for you. Perhaps we should first understand the meaning of Yin and Yang and where the world stands now. Everyone is focused on doing more, achieving more. The world is spinning at faster pace. Less and […]